

Hangovers are a thing of the past with our proactive approach to party recovery. Just before you go out, get an IV drip to hydrate your body and keep your hangover away. The next day, just enjoy the feeling of being well-hydrated and avoid headaches.

IDEAL FOR: Hydration and hangover prevention.

INGREDIENTS: Fluids, Dexapenthanol, B Complex, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium C

Infusion Time: 30-45 min

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Hangovers are a thing of the past with our proactive approach to party recovery. Just before you go out, get an IV drip to hydrate your body and keep your hangover away. The next day, just enjoy the feeling of being well-hydrated and avoid headaches.

IDEAL FOR: Hydration and hangover prevention.

INGREDIENTS: Fluids, Dexapenthanol, B Complex, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium C

Infusion Time: 30-45 min

Hangovers are a thing of the past with our proactive approach to party recovery. Just before you go out, get an IV drip to hydrate your body and keep your hangover away. The next day, just enjoy the feeling of being well-hydrated and avoid headaches.

IDEAL FOR: Hydration and hangover prevention.

INGREDIENTS: Fluids, Dexapenthanol, B Complex, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium C

Infusion Time: 30-45 min

Jet Lag